It is hurricane season, and this season can pose some significant risks for homeowners and businesses who are situated along the coasts. Though most individuals understand how important it is to protect their property and personal belongings inside the home, some will often overlook their belongings that are kept in storage. If you rent a self-storage unit, there are a few things you can do to help make certain that your items stay safe during hurricane season.
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Owning a vacation rental is an excellent way to generate income while also giving you a chance to exercise creativity and strategy to attract guests. If you want to continue improving your vacation rental, you should think about renting a storage unit to help with this process.
If you do not have a specific theme that you want to keep throughout the year with your vacation rental, you may like the idea of bringing out holiday and seasonal decorations.
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Pianos are an important investment, and you need to store it carefully if you no longer have room. Whether you have a large grand piano, or a traditional upright, you must take great care so it will last a lifetime or be passed on to your heirs. When you can no longer keep your piano in your home, then be sure to choose the right type of storage. Here is more information on how to store your piano and keep it in good condition until you can have it in your home again.
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Storage units that offer access to climate-controlled space tend to be pricier than their standard counterparts. The higher price tag can scare some consumers away, but there are times when investing in a heated storage unit is essential to the protection of your stored items.
If you are looking to store any of the following three items (on a long or short-term basis), splurge for a heated unit to prevent serious damage over time.
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When you are moving items into storage, and not just making a quick move to a new rental across town, you want to spend a little more time packing and preparing your belongings. When you have to put your items into storage, you generally need to store your items for a longer period of time.
Tip #1: Use Boxes for Packing
When it comes to what to pack your items in for storage, stick to cardboard boxes.
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